On binary - ended forward converter with constant frequency zero voltage transition 恒频零电压转换双端正激变换器研究
Zero voltage resistance 零压电阻
At the end , a half - bridge dc / dc transformer with zero voltage switching ( zvs ) is presented 最后本文研究了一种半桥软开关直流变压器电路。
Finally , the operation principle of three - level shift phase pwm control with zero voltage is validated by the simulation analyze and the debugging experiment of 230v / 10a sample device 最后,通过仿真分析以及对230v / 10a样机的调试实验,验证了零电压三电平移相控制pwm三电平直流变换器的工作原理。
In all interleaving two - transistor forward switches , zero voltage switching can be obtained which can apparently improve the power density . however the isolated boost converters need to resolve two problems 但是隔离boost变换器需要重点解决两个问题: 1 )减小功率开关关断时两端浪涌电压; 2 )隔离boost变换器的起动。